Twilight Roses Bouquet - BEST SELLER!
Our Twilight Roses Bouquet is made of roses, fairy lights and wrapped in a sophisticated black paper.
Turn off the lights and surprise your special someone with this stunning romantic flower bouquet that glows in the dark.
This bouquet comes with a dozen roses (12) by default. You can make this bouquet even more beautiful by adding extra roses and choose your favorite roses color.
- Options quantity: 12, 24, 36 or 48 roses
- Options color of roses: red, white or pink.
You may add a glass vase, chocolates and teddy bears to make the perfect package if you wish.
2 Reviews
Fairy lights roses bouquet!
OMG! My girlfriend loved it so much!
I caught her off guard, I surprised her at night with the fairy lights on. She literally melted. Roses very cute po!
Thank you guys! -
Roses with lights!
Gorgeous! My girlfriend loved it!