Twilight Roses Bouquet - BEST SELLER!
Our Twilight Roses Bouquet is made of roses, fairy lights and wrapped in a sophisticated black paper.
Turn off the lights and surprise your special someone with this stunning romantic flower bouquet that glows in the dark.
This bouquet comes with a dozen roses (12) by default. You can make this bouquet even more beautiful by adding extra roses and choose your favorite roses color.
- Options quantity: 12, 24, 36 or 48 roses
- Options color of roses: red, white or pink.
You may add a glass vase, chocolates and teddy bears to make the perfect package if you wish.
3 Reviews
Thank you!!!!
Excellent communication!!!!! Thank you for confirming the order with the recipients mother. Thank you so much for your incredible customer service. Will use again for all future orders!
Fairy lights roses bouquet!
OMG! My girlfriend loved it so much!
I caught her off guard, I surprised her at night with the fairy lights on. She literally melted. Roses very cute po!
Thank you guys! -
Roses with lights!
Gorgeous! My girlfriend loved it!