
Flower Care: How to Keep Your Flowers Fresh for Longer in the Philippines

Posted by Flower Delivery Philippines on 14th Nov 2023

Flower Care: How to Keep Your Flowers Fresh for Longer in the Philippines

Flowers have the power to brighten any occasion and lift the spirits of those who receive them. Whether it's a bouquet for a special someone or a vibrant arrangement for a festive celebration, the beauty of flowers enhances the atmosphere. In the tropical climate of the Philippines, taking extra care of your blooms is crucial to ensure their freshness lasts. In this guide, we'll explore effective flower care tips tailored to the unique conditions of the Philippines, helping you make the most out of your floral arrangements.

Understanding the Tropical Climate:

The Philippines is known for its warm and humid climate, which can affect the lifespan of fresh flowers. High temperatures and humidity levels can expedite the wilting process, making it essential to adopt specific care strategies. Here's a breakdown of flower care techniques designed for the Philippine climate:

Choose the Right Flowers:

Start your flower care journey right at the beginning by selecting blooms that are well-suited for the tropical climate. Opt for flowers that thrive in warm conditions, such as orchids, anthuriums, and heliconias. These varieties are not only visually stunning but also better equipped to withstand the heat and humidity.

Hydration is Key:

Just like us, flowers need proper hydration to stay fresh. In the Philippines, where temperatures can soar, it's crucial to keep your flowers well-hydrated. When arranging your blooms, ensure that you trim the stems at an angle before placing them in a clean vase with fresh water. Changing the water every two days prevents the growth of bacteria, promoting longer-lasting freshness.

Keep Them Cool:

While it might be tempting to display your flowers in direct sunlight, it's essential to strike a balance. Direct sunlight can accelerate wilting, so it's advisable to place your arrangements in a cool and shaded spot. Consider keeping them away from windows where sunlight intensity can be high, especially during the peak hours of the day.

Prune and Remove Fading Flowers:

Regular maintenance is key to extending the life of your floral arrangements. Remove any wilting or faded flowers promptly, as they release ethylene gas, which can expedite the aging process of other blooms. Pruning not only keeps your arrangement looking fresh but also allows the remaining flowers to absorb nutrients more efficiently.

Use Flower Food:

In the Philippines, where the humidity can be challenging, providing your flowers with the right nutrients becomes even more critical. Flower food, readily available in most flower shops or online, contains essential nutrients that prolong the life of your flowers. Just add the recommended amount to your vase water to keep your flowers nourished.

Misting for Moisture:

To combat the dryness associated with high temperatures, consider misting your flowers regularly. A light misting of water helps maintain the humidity around the blooms without soaking them. This is especially beneficial for delicate flowers that are prone to drying out quickly in the tropical climate.

Choose the Right Vase:

The vase type you choose can impact the longevity of your flowers in the Philippines. Opt for a vase with a sufficient water reservoir and a shape that complements the arrangement without crowding the flowers. Additionally, make sure to clean the vase thoroughly before placing your blooms inside to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Storage Matters:

If you receive flowers ahead of an event and need to store them temporarily, consider placing them in the refrigerator. The cool temperature slows down the aging process and helps the flowers retain their freshness. However, avoid storing flowers alongside fruits, as fruits release ethylene gas, which can negatively impact the blooms.

Monitor Water Quality:

In some regions of the Philippines, tap water may contain high levels of chlorine or minerals that can affect the health of your flowers. If possible, use filtered or distilled water to ensure the purity of the water in your vase. This small adjustment can make a significant difference in preserving the vibrancy of your floral arrangement.

Regular Inspections:

Finally, conduct regular inspections of your floral arrangement. Check for any signs of wilting, discoloration, or the presence of pests. Early detection allows you to address issues promptly and salvage the remaining flowers. Remember that prevention is key to maintaining the longevity of your beautiful blooms.

Flower Care for Specific Occasions:

Different occasions call for various floral arrangements, and each may require unique care. For example, if you've received flowers for a wedding or a special event, it's essential to consider the duration between receiving the flowers and the actual event. For longer intervals, you might want to change the water more frequently or even trim the stems again to ensure optimal freshness on the big day. Tailoring your care routine based on the specific event can significantly impact how long your flowers stay vibrant and beautiful.

DIY Flower Preservation:

Preserving the memory of a special occasion becomes even more meaningful when you can extend the life of the flowers involved. Consider trying your hand at DIY flower preservation. Techniques such as air-drying or pressing can be a creative way to retain the beauty of your blooms for an extended period. Not only does this add a personal touch to your flower care journey, but it also allows you to cherish the memories associated with the flowers long after the event has passed.

Seasonal Flower Care Tips:

In the Philippines, where the climate can vary throughout the year, understanding how seasonal changes can impact your flowers is crucial. During the rainy season, for instance, excess moisture can lead to mold growth. In contrast, the dry season may require more frequent misting to combat the arid conditions. Stay attuned to the seasonal variations and adjust your flower care routine accordingly to ensure your blooms thrive in every weather.

The Importance of Quality Flowers:

While proper care is essential, starting with high-quality flowers can make a significant difference. When purchasing flowers for delivery, choose a reputable online store that sources fresh, well-maintained blooms. Quality flowers are more likely to withstand the rigors of transportation and have a longer vase life, ultimately enhancing your overall flower care experience.

Sustainable Flower Care Practices:

In an era where sustainability is a growing concern, incorporating eco-friendly practices into your flower care routine is both responsible and rewarding. Additionally, after your flowers have reached the end of their vase life, explore environmentally friendly ways to dispose of them, such as composting. Sustainable flower care not only benefits the environment but also adds an extra layer of mindfulness to your floral experience.

Troubleshooting Common Flower Care Issues:

Even with the best intentions, flower care challenges can arise. Whether it's dealing with wilting, discoloration, or pests, having a troubleshooting guide at your disposal ensures you can address issues promptly and salvage your floral arrangement.

Flower Care as a Form of Self-Care:

Caring for flowers can be a therapeutic practice. Taking the time to arrange, water, and nurture your flowers and plants can be a form of self-care, providing moments of tranquility and calm in our hectic life. Consider incorporating flower care into your routine not just for the sake of the flowers but also for the positive impact it can have on your well-being.

Floral Etiquette:

Beyond the realm of flower care, understanding floral etiquette in each country adds a touch of sophistication to your gift-giving or event planning. In the Philippines, the Sampaguita holds special cultural importance and is often used in religious ceremonies. Being mindful of these nuances not only showcases your thoughtfulness but also enhances the overall impact of your floral gestures.

Incorporating Indoor Plants:

While we often focus on cut flowers, indoor plants can also bring a touch of nature into your living space. Consider incorporating low-maintenance indoor plants like snake plants or pothos alongside your floral arrangements. These plants not only complement the aesthetics of your home but also contribute to improved indoor air quality. 

The Art of Flower Arranging:

Mastering the art of flower arranging can elevate your floral displays to new heights. Experiment with different color combinations, textures, and vase shapes to create visually stunning arrangements. There are many online courses that can guide you through floral design and floral care. By honing your flower arranging skills, you not only showcase your creativity but also ensure that your blooms are presented in the most flattering and eye-catching manner.

Flowers and Feng Shui:

For those interested in the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, incorporating flowers into your home can bring positive energy and balance. Different flowers are associated with various elements, colors, and directions according to Feng Shui principles. Understanding these associations allows you to strategically place flowers in specific areas of your home to enhance the flow of energy and create a harmonious living space.

Flower Care in the Digital Age:

In our fast-paced, digital world, technology can play a role in enhancing your flower care experience. Many flower shops in the Philippines offer online ordering and delivery services, making it convenient to surprise a loved one with a beautiful bouquet. Additionally, there are various mobile apps designed to help you track and schedule your flower care routine, sending reminders for watering, changing the vase water, and other essential tasks.

DIY Floral Remedies:

Explore the world of natural remedies to keep your flowers looking fresh for longer. Adding a teaspoon of sugar or a few drops of apple cider vinegar to the vase water can provide nourishment to your blooms. Aspirin, with its anti-bacterial properties, is another popular addition. Experimenting with these DIY remedies allows you to tailor your flower care routine to the specific needs of different flowers and environments.

Flowers in Filipino Tradition:

Delve into the rich tapestry of Filipino tradition, where flowers hold special significance in various cultural practices. From the use of flowers in traditional ceremonies to their role in festivals and celebrations, understanding the cultural context adds a deeper layer of appreciation to your flower care routine. 

The Future of Flower Care:

As technology advances and environmental awareness grows, the future of flower care is likely to see innovative developments. From sustainable packaging for flower delivery to the use of smart sensors in vases, the possibilities are exciting. 

Roses Care:

Roses, with their timeless beauty and fragrance, are often the centerpiece of many floral arrangements. Ensuring their longevity requires a bit of extra care. When working with roses in the Philippines:

  • Pruning: Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle to provide a larger surface area for water absorption.
  • Thorn Removal: Carefully remove thorns to prevent bacterial growth and injuries when handling the flowers.
  • Vase Selection: Choose a clean vase with ample water depth to support the longer stems of roses.
  • Water Temperature: Roses prefer lukewarm water, as it is more easily absorbed. Change the water every two days, and ensure that no leaves are submerged.
  • Rose Food: Consider using specialized rose food to provide essential nutrients and encourage blooming.
  • Cooling Technique: Placing roses in a cool area overnight helps slow down their metabolism, preserving their freshness.

Lilies Care:

Lilies, known for their elegant appearance and captivating fragrance, require specific care to maintain their beauty. In the Philippines, where humidity can be a factor:

  • Stamen Removal: Remove the pollen-bearing stamens to prevent staining and to prolong the life of the bloom.
  • Water Level: Lilies prefer deeper water. Keep the vase filled, and change the water regularly to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Cool Environment: Lilies thrive in a cool environment. Keep them away from direct sunlight and heat.
  • Hydration Technique: To enhance hydration, slit the stems vertically a few centimeters from the bottom before placing them in water.
  • Single-Bud Arrangements: For longer vase life, consider single-bud arrangements as lilies continue to open after cutting.

Tulips Care:

Tulips bring a burst of color to any arrangement, and proper care ensures they stand tall and vibrant:

  • Fresh Cut: Trim tulip stems at an angle, allowing them to absorb water more efficiently.
  • Clean Water: Tulips are sensitive to bacterial growth. Use clean water and change it every two days.
  • Cool Storage: Tulips benefit from a brief period in the refrigerator overnight to maintain their crispness.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Tulips can be sensitive to direct sunlight. Place them in a bright but indirect light location.
  • Crowding Prevention: Tulips tend to continue growing even after cutting. Avoid overcrowding in the vase to allow each tulip to bloom fully.

Orchids Care:

Orchids, with their exotic allure, are often potted plants that require specific care for long-term enjoyment:

  • Proper Potting Medium: Use a well-draining orchid mix to prevent waterlogging and ensure healthy root development.
  • Watering Technique: Orchids prefer a humid environment. Water them sparingly, allowing the top layer of the potting mix to dry out between waterings.
  • Filtered Light: Orchids thrive in filtered or indirect sunlight. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight for long time.
  • Temperature Control: Maintain a consistent temperature for orchids, as they are sensitive to drastic temperature changes.
  • Air Circulation: Orchids benefit from good air circulation. Avoid placing them in closed spaces, and use fans if needed.
  • Fertilization: Use a balanced orchid fertilizer to provide essential nutrients. Follow the recommended dosage to avoid over-fertilization.

Potted Flowering Plant General Care:

For other potted flowering plants, a few general care tips can enhance their longevity:

  • Appropriate Pot Size: Ensure the pot size is suitable for the plant's root system, promoting healthy growth.
  • Drainage Holes: Use pots with drainage holes to prevent waterlogged soil, which can lead to root rot.
  • Regular Pruning: Remove spent flowers and yellowing leaves regularly to encourage new growth.
  • Feeding Schedule: Follow a feeding schedule using a balanced liquid fertilizer to provide essential nutrients.
  • Repotting: As the plant grows, consider repotting every one to two years to refresh the soil and provide more space for root expansion.


As you explore the diverse world of flowers in the Philippines, each variety comes with its own set of care requirements. Understanding the specific needs of each flower ensures a long-lasting and visually stunning display. Whether they're cut flowers adorning your home or potted plants bringing life to your living space, these care tips will help you make the most of your floral experience in the tropical paradise of the Philippines. May your flowers continue to bloom with vitality and grace, enriching your surroundings with their natural beauty.

In the landscape of fresh flowers care, the journey is as important as the destination. From the basics of hydration and sunlight to the intricate world of floral design and cultural nuances, caring for your flowers in the Philippines is a multi-faceted experience. As you embark on this floral adventure, may your blooms continue to bring joy, beauty, and a touch of nature into your life, enriching your moments and creating lasting memories in the Philippines.

In the heart of the Philippines, where the warmth of the tropical climate meets the vibrancy of its culture, caring for your flowers becomes an art. From choosing the right blooms to understanding the nuances of the seasons, the journey of flower care is a continuous and fulfilling experience. By following these comprehensive tips tailored to the unique conditions of the Philippines, you not only extend the life of your flowers but also enhance the joy and beauty they bring to your life. May your floral arrangements continue to be a source of delight and inspiration in every season and celebration.

By selecting the right flowers, providing proper hydration, keeping them cool, and adopting other specific care techniques, you can enjoy the beauty of fresh flowers for a more extended period. Incorporate these flower care tips into your routine, and let the vibrant colors and fragrances of your blooms continue to enhance your special moments in the heart of the Philippines. 

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